- There IS in fact an end to Pinterest. Like eventually if you scroll down too far...there IS an end... No one should ever come to know that fact. I'm ashamed to know this.
- Drugs SERIOUSLY give you wacked out dreams. Like holy cow.
- Sleep is a very underrated coping mechanism during college.
- When I take Vicodin, I get very cuddly and snuggly and begin to inform my roommates just how badly I want a man to cuddle with.
- My roommates are incredibly patient people
- I am SOO blessed to be going to the school that I'm going to.
I've always known that BYU-I was a pretty neat place and I've never once regretted my decision to come here. There have been times (on days where the weather is particularly extreme) that I have wished that the school could be relocated to somewhere with a fairly normal climate, but I truly am happy with my decision to come here. I'll sacrifice my flip-flops for smaller class sizes in a HEARTBEAT. I'm sorry but no shoe style is so important that I'd sacrifice a personal relationship with my professors for it. I'm not that fashion savy... I honestly couldn't care less. As far as the Honor Code goes, yeah it's strict. But we get a whole heck of a lot of benefits and they're really not asking that much of us. They're asking us to live a higher law. Big whoop. I can do that. I'll keep the Honor Code and enjoy the comfort of having a shower within the privacy of my own dojo rather than a coed shower that is shared by an entire floor of strangers. We're pretty dang blessed. One of these blessings, is that the costs passed onto students are very low. This means that when we have awesome guests come (aka Bill Cosby), I can buy myself two tickets and STILL be able to eat a dinner that's a little higher quality than ramen.
Last year during spring semester, we had Bill Cosby come and perform for us. The man is hilarious. Oh goodness. Very good decision to go see him. And this semester we had the Piano Guys come to play for us.
While they're growing in popularity and have been featured on Jay Lenno and the Today Show, the Piano Guys still aren't TOO well-known. Their name is misleading--but it's a guy on the piano (John Schmidt) and a guy on the cello (Steven Sharp Nelson)--but they are SO COOL. If you don't know who I'm talking about, take 3 seconds and pull up YouTube and just listen to one of their songs. They are stinkin' talented.
So when I found out that the Piano Guys were coming, I instantly bought two tickets. Why two? Well...mostly because I don't want to be a loner and be lame by myself... Prideful, I know. But also because the hopeful romantic in me is always like "Oh this is 3 weeks away--maybe I'll find Prince Charming between now and then and he'll go with me". Don't get me wrong, I enjoy being single. I loveeeee being single. I probably shouldn't love it so much and I should probably get out there and start dating more but ehh. Anyways, bottom line is this: I buy a second ticket just in case there DOES happen to be a guy that makes an appearance, knowing full well that that ticket will more than likely be used by a roommate or a cousin or something.
After several rounds of "Ok who isn't busy on Thursday and wants to go with me?" I finally ended up going to the concert with my dear wonderfully lovely roommate Stephanie.
Just as a side note in case any of you were wondering: I definitely do not recommend that you make your debut outing after surgery by sitting in bleacher seats for 2-ish hours while listening to a concert. It may sound like a good idea... but you don't end up feeling too great after it. This afternoon I was feeling a little guilty about missing school because, as I puttered around my apartment, I felt pretty on top of things and well-rested. I was able to take the bandages off my stitches and actually take a real shower (so joyous you have no idea) and felt like maybe I should've gone to class. All of that guilt was instantly gone as I finally made it into the Hart gym where the concert was being held. Holy cow. It's not even that far of a walk. Definitely felt like a wuss, but I also felt my school absence was justified because there's NO way I'd be able to make it all over campus for classes.
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Pretty decent seats as far as bleachers go :) |
Regardless of how tired I was and the painkillers I had taken right beforehand, the concert was still AMAZING. Those guys are ridiculously talented. My Mom had first heard John Schmidt perform at a Women's Conference at BYU a few years ago, so we've been listening to his music at our house for years. Watching him play Waterfall live... Dang. I definitely slacked off on my piano lessons by comparison. He said that he wrote that song when he was 17 to impress a girl. I'm approaching my 20th birthday and I've done NOTHING that impressive.
Nelson (the cello player) was equally pretty awesome. I have to admit, I was pretty cynical as I listened to them playing the first few songs in their set. "There's no way that those two men sitting right there are making all of those different sounds live right now". Still impressive for sure---I mean watch a video and see how quick their hands are going--but I was skeptical. During one of the breaks during their song, Nelson explained how while his hands and fingers are going like crazy to work the cello in front of him, his foot is also operating a kickdrum. He was also getting pretty creative with his percussion as he banged on his cello during some songs. Other than the kickdrum, he also had a pedal that would allow him to change the tones of sounds coming out of his cello so he could spice it up that way. And THEN he had this pedal that would allow him to record something LIVE at that exact moment and then play it back so that he could loop several different themes on top of each other all while playing live. Does that make sense? I don't feel like I explained that very well... :/ He demonstrated it--the whole looping several different tracks while playing live--and it was AWESOME.
They played all of the favorite songs they have out on YouTube right now: Rolling in the Deep, Michael Meets Mozart, Charlie Brown Theme Song, Bourne Vivaldi, U2, Pachelbel etc etc etc. But then they had fun just playing around with some new stuff.
Well....I had all of these fantastic plans about being all technologically savy and having all these little videos placed strategically throughout the rest of this post but apparently BlogSpot refuses to allow me this one shining victory today :'( To be far, it IS just after midnight...and I DID just take painkillers to go to bed...So it's very possible that it's user error rather than BlogSpot just hating me.
Anyways, a quick run-down of all of the cool videos that I now have and was planning on posting on here for your enjoyment:
- A performance of their new song "Home" by Phillip Phillips (they said they're finishing up work on the video and they'll release it soon)
- A performance of a mash-up idea they enjoy tossing around entitled "Don't Worry, Be Psycho" (aka 'Don't Worry Be Happy' combined with the theme from 'Phantom of the Opera')
- Another mash-up of 'The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow' and the Imperial theme from Star Wars
- A mash-up of Dan Fogelberg's "Longer Than" and another song ;)
- A brief clip highlighting their ability to make Pachelbel's Canon in D sound pretty dang cool
- A live performance of their viral video "What Makes You Beautiful" (also their finale)
- About 3/4 of their encore performance of "Bring Him Home" from Les Mis (then I got sick of recording and gave up)
Ok way too much time has been spent on this post. I'm calling it a night and hopefully I'll figure out how to post those videos tomorrow because not only are they really cool, but they're really FUNNY! Fingers crossed I can make that work.
Also as a side-note, my parents are coming to see me tomorrow!!! :D :D Yeah, yeah I know I left them like not even a month ago...but I'm still excited. And for once, I'M not going to see THEM. They are coming to me. I don't know why that's such a big distinction in my mind, but it is. No idea why, but there you have it.
And if you don't understand a) why I'm freaking out about "What Makes You Beautiful" or b) you didn't take my advice at the beginning of the post and refused to YouTube them like I told you to--WATCH THIS VIDEO.
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