Friday, August 16, 2013

Problems With "The City of Bones"

Summer used to be one non-stop party. I guess, when done right, it still is. With only 6 weeks of true "summer" between spring and fall semesters, it's not even worth going job-hunting. It's always hard to move back in under Mommy and Daddy's roof after spending so much time on our own, but not having a job to get me out of the house makes it even harder. Thankfully Dad is out at work and Mom was volunteered to go up to marching band camp as a chaperone with the younger sisters, so I have the house to myself. It is all of the independence of having my own apartment up at school again, but with air-conditioning, free rent, a fridge stocked with food, and 2 adorable puppies to cuddle with. With so much free time on my hands, I'm not quite sure what to do with myself.
So, the tentative plan for today:
  • Get the dogs out for a walk
  • Clean up the kitchen
  • Start a load of laundry
  • Finish up "City of Bones"
 I used to be able to plow through a novel in a matter of hours, but then that thing called Real-Life kind of interrupted my nerdy tendencies. My sisters are still able to ready like it's their day job--mostly because they don't HAVE day jobs--and therefore always have a stack of books I need to read whenever I come home. They're bound and determined to see the new movie when it comes out. Therefore I have been mandated to finish the book. I'm patiently plodding through it, but thus far I can't say that it's my favorite. I'm not too far into it, so I hope that the pace picks up a bit because it's been a lot of talking and not much Shadowhunting thus far.

Any opinions on the book? DOES the pace pick up?? I'm not very far into it--they're just barely discovering that Clary has a spell placed on her to block her memories so they're off in some carriage thing to go get that taken care of--so don't reveal too many big spoilers but... it gets better, right? :-/

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